Cleaner Cooking

Billions use unhealthy, resource intensive, polluting stoves. The benefits of improving this are not just reduced smoke, which is good for health and climate change, but also faster cooking and reduced fuel use, which saves time and money. The two main ways enterprises try to help improve customers' cooking processes are by providing: More Efficient Stoves New Cooking Fuel Sources (8 enterprises) The Partnership for Clean Indoor Air is a strong resource for more information on this issue. Efficient stoves make cooking cleaner by reducing the smoke emitted by traditional fuel sources, generally by channeling more of the energy generated from fuel into cooking heat and releasing less into the air.


Efficient stoves are relatively inexpensive and save users time and money spent collecting fuel. They also have the advantage of not requiring users to adopt a new fuel source. Efficient stoves generally produce 40-50% fewer emissions than traditional stoves, which is beneficial to health and the environment.


Cleaner Fuel Sources Another approach to cleaner cooking is to replace fossil fuels with cleaner biomass-based fuels, or to provide access to fuels such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas that are cleaner than local charcoal. Surveyed enterprises work with a variety of different biomass fuel sources, including: gasified rice husks (Center for Rice Husk Energy Technology) methane gas from animal waste (GNEEDER/Cows to Kilowatts, SKG Sangha, Grameen Shakti) biomass briquettes and biochar (Nishant Bioenergy Pvt. Limited, re:char), and Liquified Petroleum Gas (VidaGas) For more information on biomass fuels, see the Biomass Power page.